Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Glad baseball is my #1

So with recent news about a possible lockout in 2011 bears a few questions.
First, does that make the summer smoregesborg of 2010 less enticing? I say, no. I'm excited to see where all these free agents will end up just like when you did a round robin draft in Live and players ended up anywhere. I think we'll find new found love for the game, as well as some heavy sulking for those who don't get the chance to play with LeBron. Then, if a lockout happens, teams can work on chemistry for a whole year. Then think about how good teams will be. I mean my Pacers might even steal someone. Imagine a Steve Nash driven offense in Indy. Well, at least I can. Granger would average 40 a night.

Second, will this drive desire for the game down even more? They just had a lock out ten years ago. Then, to drive the final nail, the reason everyone watched officially retired. Tim Duncan's boring ass was leading us into this new renaissance of defense and team play. This new slow down ball cost the Lake Show (including a pre-Heat freebie Payton and Mailman), LBJ's Cavs, and Zie German's Mavs all titles. For the record, no one wants to root for Ginobili, Duncan, and Parker. No one. Have a I explained to you how much I hate Thonie Par-care? Oh I can't wait until Duncan retires so he can stop making this bum look good. Anyways, if not for the draft of 2003, the NBA might have folded by now.

So, I'd say this lock out is just what the game needs. Give people a season to try and get introduced to these new video game squads. Vegas will go nuts. ANYONE could win it all. Well anyone who has LBJ and another all-star. Could you imagine how well he'd play if he were truly motivated? Oh yeah, that's happening right now. The Cavs are good people. Thank you cuz for reminding me. This is a team that right now is playing with a crazy PG, without another injured one, with Boobie Gibson, with Verajao as a top three offensive contributor, Z, sans knees, and Shaq sans anything. But they are playing out of their minds right now. Shit, just check Danny Green's diameter on his smile. If they win it all I swear this guy has to be the Eric Hinske of championship winners.

Then, just as quick, take it all away. That off season the chatterboxes would be hawking. Trades will get thrown around, as pick up games turn into All-Star exhibitions. Then a deal would inevitably get struck sending us all into a frenzy debating over who's out of shape, who wants to retire, and more importantly, who is more driven. This will be an intriguing few months as talks continue.

Did I mention that the NFL make lock out after next season? Possibly this season? Hence the title.


  1. Chris, you know my background, and that mean I can't write to save my soul. Which begs the question, what the hell ya talkin about brother? We all know the NFL may be locked out in 2011 (sadly there are rumors that the '11 Super Bowl for the '10 season would be canceled) Never heard teh NBA threatening a strike in 2011 also (if both do, AMERICANS WILL FINALLY TURN TO HOCKEY!!!!!). Hence my confusion, call me dumb if I'm wrong, but the article didn't make sense. 100% w/ ya on baseball being at the top of the food chain. BRING ON THE WINTER OLYMPICS!!!

  2. I just read that both leagues are suffering miseably with CBA negoatiations and if the Association doesn't come up with a new cap level quickly, they'll lock ala '99 season. I'm sure has something on it. I dig deep for interesting things and thought exactly the same: both leagues locked out. Hell would most definately break loose. Oh, pitchers and catchers report in two weeks.
