Wednesday, January 20, 2010

This just in. Nectarines are not retard oranges.

For tonight's edition I just want to leave you with things to think about. Digest. Take in. Heed.

-The Raiders told media outlets today that they recently reached out to Jim Harbaugh for their coaching vacancy. Wait a minute. Isn't Cable still head coach? In the immortal words of Kim Wayans "I ain't one to gossip so you ain't heeeard that from me." My advice would have been for the Raiders to fully let their guard down and reach "around" Harbaugh. If you feel me. Win-Win situation.

-The Good Doctor and Straw-berry will soon be inducted into the Mets Hall of Flames. I don't mean that in the derogatory since in the least. The flame I speak of is the downward heap that each members career inevitable went down in. Seaver? Maybe not. Gary Carter? He's more of an Expo if you ask me. Here's to hometown boy D Wright breaking out of town like a neglectant parent before he defines his career there.

-If you haven't noticed there is an amazing amount of free agents left in baseball. And Jimmy "All-Out" Edmonds and Preston Wilson are looking for employment. So let's see. Edmonds played his entire career like his hair was on fire. Like a slot wide receiver. And Preston Wilson. Jesus. He stayed injured. So much to the point that he played in the minors last year and had two stints on the D.L. One for breaking his eye socket for sticking his face in front of an out of control minor league fastball, and secondly, by separating his shoulder sliding into second shortly after his return. Cleeevon didn't I have a binis card round here somewhere. Wait for it........ BAM! (That's the second In Living Color reference. Your Welcome.) Someone sign this kid. Late thirties. Looking for employment. Yes, the recession is real.

-In other news Tim Lincecum (Who had the best sports video game commercial I have seen in a long time last season. An Avatar before there was AVATAR.), recently quit baseball after two consecutive Cy Young's to work on Wall Street. (Wait. He didn't? That's an arbitration amount?) Oh because I saw someone who made 600K just demand a 12.4 million dollar raise. Could have fooled me. The worst part: They are trying to "settle" with him for 8 million. Does he deserve it? Probably, more actually. Am I bitter. Slightly. Bite me. <--unintentional rhyme

Yes sports fans, the recession is alive and well.

Speaking of recession, actually not at all, but I just learned that they are premiering the Winning Time: Reggie Miller vs. the New York Knicks at Sundance this year. I'm shaking typing this. P, I'm booking the tickets to Park City Now!


  1. Come on Chris. The only way the Raiders (to bad we can't add a sound bite to this so we can get the proper announciation in Chris Berman style) can get any media time this time of year is by this shit, definately not from playoff football. (again w/ the soun bites, this time, a drum da-da- dah!)
    Here's to D Wright being the next Cardinal 3rd baseman, know you'd love that MR UKNOW cause we need one to fill Glaus' role. I think the Dr and Strawman had good careers as MEts, but did they really have that good of a career thier to be TEAM HOF's, maybe I am just old school hard ass, but team HOFS need actual HOF careers.
    I've always been a fan of Jimmie Edmounds, until he went to the Cubbies last year. He might be a legit 5th outfielder for a team w/ talent already. As for Wilson, please meet Reggie Sanders, Reggie, Mr. Wilson. Lotta talent (supposedly), but suffered injuries every other day of the week.
    How can you blame Lincecum? Two Cy's in a row and can't get a raise. Unless the debate is on how much a raise. He wins more games in a month than Zito in the 2 years he's been there.
    What's that got to do w/ the recession anyways, we really need to be reminded, LOL. On thing that sucks about capitalism is the supply/demand. Demand for Lincecum's went up 12.35 points today, still 3.5 points from its all time high of 420. Almost look like Greyhair due to it, sheez.

  2. why didn't anyone tell me gaines adams died. did you know that nhl guy that went to jail for attempted murder is not only out...he is playing college hockey in canada. i will ban you blog if you say "reach around" ever again. everyone knows bo jackson will be the next coach of the raiders. d wright will never leave he will be the first 200 million dollar player after we win it all by dismatling the card in the nlcs, and beating the bejesus out of the twins in 5 games. the reason why there are soo many free agents is there are too many damn baseball players. there is no line between the majors and minors one bad season you go down, and a few good games and you are back in. its not like the nfl and the ufl. and yes the giants better pay that man. this isn't josh cribbs we are talkin about. this man has been the best pitcher two years ina row. even if he settles around 10 million its a great come up. the only problem is what about the players that think they are 1/2 as good as they deserve a 6 million dollar pay raise?????? MArbles i got a foot to fill and cardinals hole who wants it. i'll be dammed if you get wright. unless you're ready to come up off puljos

  3. Sector:
    Great parallel with Reggis Sanders. Sad part is if he would have stayed healthy he could have been a HoF outfielder. Great range, decent power bat, above-average arm, good speed. And of course Lincecum deserves it. He's top three in baseball right now. (Johan, Halladay) Kudos to Carpenter, King Felix, and Beckett)
